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Recent content by Atsoi88

  1. Fish For Sale

  2. Fish For Sale

    Breaking down the aquarium, fish is healthy.
  3. Fish For Sale

    Sailfin Tang -$50 Sold Clown fish pair -$40
  4. Indo Dragon Soul Torches fs

  5. Indo Dragon Soul Torches fs

    Are the tentacles really long, I’m trying to gauage approximately how big is a 1 head frag when fully extended l.?
  6. Frags for sale

  7. Corals for sale

    1.5 inch Rose bubble tip nem with rock -$20 ( slightly bleached) 1polyp butt muncher zoa - $10 3 polyp butt muncher zoa- $25 3 polyp bleached utter chao- $15 Jawbreaker mushroom with some reds alittle smaller than a dime -$50 Pick up 11219 ( week night / weekend) or Rockefeller center (...
  8. For Sale 4 head froggy

  9. Coral JPs Acro Haul Update 12/12

    JP do you have write up of your tank (i.e) water parameter, type of lights / schedule and maintenance schedule?
  10. Dragon breath algae

    Where are you located?
  11. Green Toadstool $10 each

  12. WTB - Frogspawn, Torches , Blasto

    Looking for Frogspawn , Torches and Blasto to pick up in Brooklyn, NY
  13. Green Toadstool $10 each

  14. New condition Tunze Osmolator nano 3152 -ATO ****$45****

    Sold please close thread
