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Recent content by AZReef89

  1. Corals for sale

    How much are the hammers?
  2. Coral Sps Colonies

    Tricolor Valida - sold No name - off market for now. Can’t get it off the rock.
  3. Coral Sps Colonies

    Pinky the bear - $250 need to color up a little. it’s currently sitting in the corner of my tank. Tricolor Valida - $200 No name - $200
  4. Equipment Avast Marine Kalk Stirrer

    Looking for a Avast Marine Kalk Stirrer. Pm me if you have one to sell.
  5. Equipment WTB - Avast Marine Kalk Stirrer

    Looking to buy a Avast Marine Kalk Stirrer. Pm me if you have one to sell.

    Two pack available- og, magic carpet, frank - $450 each pac
  7. Rainbow chalice

  8. Avast Marine K2

    Is this still available?
  9. Blue Star Leopard and Six Line Wrasse

    Can I pick six line up this Sunday?
  10. nano SPS tank

    Yea, but I probably can only afford 1/4” of golden wd.
  11. nano SPS tank

    how much for a frag of wd?
  12. Question Amazeball and Glitterbomb Gonipora Pricing

    Which glitter are you selling? Left or right?
  13. Are there any Quarantine service?

    ThankS buddy! Let me know when they are ready.
