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Recent content by beachorama

  1. my 75 reef

    Great rockwork.
  2. CONSTANTNE's 40 Breeder Journal

    Wow!!! ...oh yeh, FTS!!! :smoker:
  3. 75 gallon reef upgrade

    Excellent!!! :spin: Love the puffer buzzing around.
  4. Beachie's 40 Breeder progress w/pics

    Update Things are going well: Canopy on and holding together so far (would do different - as recommended - next time). 2 Chalk bass, 7 hermits, and 1 pep shrimp added. I know the above ^^^ is a big risk with a puffer but I gave them 3 weeks to get settled: haven't seen the pep shrimp since...
  5. My 150 G

    Spectacular! Amazing growth in that tank. Well done.:pimp:
  6. 180G Upgrade Oddessy

    Tagging along on both you guys tanks. Amazing tanks guys!!! My dream tank is the 180 gal: Such a perfect size and dimensions. I couldn't see being able to handle anything bigger... especially 450 gal (which looks amazing Ritchie!) BUT..you never know what this hobby will make you do in the...
  7. Beachie's 40 Breeder progress w/pics

    Oh, thank you for the comments!!! I plan to paint it well and hopefully it will hold up... but I agree that it may not last long so I will keep an eye on it. It's sort of temporary until next summer when I relocate, then, I will do things in more of a "professional" manner: sump, open top...
  8. Questions for DIY Canopy Gurus!!!

    Anyone wanna see my butcher-job of a canopy can go here:http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/tank-threads/104732-beachies-40-breeder-progress-w-pics.html Well... you live and learn.:smash:
  9. Beachie's 40 Breeder progress w/pics

    Canopy (sort of) Well, here's my 1st attempt at a canopy. I kinda butchered it BUT: it fits... and it works. Made MANY mistakes (used 5/8th plywood = BAD move; poor jigsaw skills) but I have learned from them.:headache: Hopefully painting will cover some of the eye-sores. I know a glass...
  10. Beachie's 40 Breeder progress w/pics

  11. Beachie's 40 Breeder progress w/pics

    Thanks for the comments all!!! Working on the top now... what a nightmare (since I've got zero tools to work with) Probably moving in the near future so I'm trying to go with as little as possible. There's a sump and a 180 gal tank in my future (2-3 yr) plan. Yeh, i'm hooked. :fish:
  12. Jonny's ADA (2 tank waterfall) thread.

    Wow... awesome!!!
  13. Beachie's 40 Breeder progress w/pics

    That's it... no sump: everything in the display. Trying to keep things simple. :smokin:
  14. Questions for DIY Canopy Gurus!!!

    Oh thank you for the kind offer! ut I have a black iron stand so I have some black latex paint I will use for the outside. ( Yes, makes sense about the hinges! ) thanks
  15. Questions for DIY Canopy Gurus!!!

    Thanks for your insight. I will see if i can get stainless steel, if not, i will probably go the outside route. Will kinda wing-it. 1 more ??? for anyone: Did you paint the hinges or just leave them as it?
