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Recent content by Beautiful Disaster

  1. The Legend Behind The Screen Name

    Back in the day, I referred to Beautiful Disaster as a description of my life. It also will be the title of my book one day!
  2. Show your Ink

    My new Tattoo
  3. 2010 Spring Swap pics...

    Great pics! The hubby (flipit13) and I had a great time. It was nice to see old friends and meet new ones. (Awibrandy, you're a sweetie) Glad I got to finally meet you! Of course you leave there always having learned alot.
  4. Happy Birthday Beautiful Disaster!:)

    Thank you all very much for the birthday wishes! I couldn't have asked for better weather! I was lovin life. Hope to see you all at the swap! I am looking forward to it! :grouphug: Jim- I will definetly tell him you said hi and to get in touch with you.
  5. Beautiful Disaster

    Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!!! I hope to see you at the swap!!!

    Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!!! I hope to see you at the swap!!!
  6. Happy Birthday Anthony27

    :birthday: Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and many more. :birthday:
  7. Happy Birthday DCG1286!!

    :birthday: Happy Birthday, David and many many more! :birthday:
  8. Installing a husband

    I've seen this one before and it is quite hysterical, lol
  9. Happy Veteran's Day

    Happy Veteran's Day to all that have served, currently serving and those who we have lost. They are the bravest men & woman I know and should ALWAYS be remembered, not just today! God Bless and may God always watch over you!
  10. Bengal Cat adoption

    Rick wanted me to tell you that he wants to make arrangements to see the cat. He tried to PM you but his mouse died, lol If you could PM him or call him with a day and time that would be great. Thanks, April
  11. Pics of my 120

    I'm so glad you kept this. It's an awesome tank! Looks real good
  12. Bengal Cat adoption

    PM sent
  13. Ever have one of those mornings....

    Hopefully the worst is behind you today. Hope the rest of your day is a good one. Try and stay positive.
  14. Happy Birthday, NYreefNoob

    :party: :birthday: Happy Birthday Rick!!! :birthday: :party:
  15. some of my coral pics

    well, you got some really good shots, good job
