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Recent content by Bella127

  1. WTB Neptune Apex EB8

    Looking for the eb8 pm me if your looking to unload one
  2. Sps under leds

    LEDs purple . Bleached the living snot out of my bonsai Halides and t5's purple back in the glory days Fts under LEDs . Tank looks fake Fts under halide and t5's back in the glory days LEDs never again founding father here !
  3. My new Toy

    Sweet , looks like a great time killer
  4. LPS Show-Off Thread

    Favia freak that is one BA pic!
  5. FS: 6 polyp Space Monster frag

    No pictures ? I am disappointed ;)
  6. Sfiligoi

    Looking for Sfiligoi ballast ACLS 250w or 400w
