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Recent content by Ben_Wilson

  1. Best way to put a sick fish...

    The most HUMANE way isn't a freshwater dip. It causes osmosis shock. The prefered way is to put them in a bowl of their own water, and place it in the freezer, they just slowly fall to sleep and die. However, these are just fish, I simply feed mine to my aggressive tank, that takes less than...
  2. grrrrr

    Try using Chemi-Clean. Its reef safe and works well. _________________ Ben
  3. mollies

    Usually acclimate to salt over a period of 24hours. Most people don't take the time to mess with it. However, mollies once acclimated do make a healthier choice than ruby reds. Lower in fat. ________ Ben
  4. Need an ID..... part 2

    Dendronepthya, yes, also known as carnation coral. However not difficult if you know how. Low to no light, med to high flow, and lots of dirrect feedings of phytoplankton. These do very well when a wave maker is in use. They can be expensive to keep because of the price of phyto...
  5. algae control

    You need a clean-up crew. IE blue-legged hermit crabs, snails, emerald crabs, and so on. ________________ Ben
  6. 300 gallon Reef. Have live brine shrimp in tank

    rayjay, great article on brine. Can phytoplankton be raised as well? Any articles on that? ________________ Ben
  7. PUR filter...

    It won't remove enough clorine so you'll have to use declorinator in the mean time. Also, the point of a RO/DI unit is to remove phosphates and silicates, PUR won't even touch those. I would use grocery store RO water until. Other wise you can see if your LFS will test your tap water for...
  8. Blue Linkia help

    A trigger seems a poor choice for a reef tank IMO. However I agree that the LFS probably didn't take the nessesary time to acclimate, linkas are very touchy. ____________ Ben
  9. Frogspawn

    Once a month is enough, however your alk seems a little high for frogspawn. How much flow is it in? Frogspawn does well in med to low flow. _____________ Ben
  10. Anemone Lighting question

    Overkill, I use 4x96watt PC's on my 24" tall 90gal. I keep a long tentacle anenome, and a croesea clam. The anenome has doubled in size in 6 months. I feed it one piece of krill every 3-5 days. I would cut what you have in half, it would be more than enough IMO. _____________ Ben
  11. MY 75 REEF PIX!!!

    I like it, especially the acilies tang _________ Ben
