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Recent content by Bikinisalt

  1. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Mag 18 sold...
  2. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Bump. Both pumps still available...
  3. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Pm's replied. This is first come, first serve, not holding for anyone...
  4. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Bump. Both pumps are still available...
  5. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Hey Rick, Yea long time, hope all is well. No tanks at present running...
  6. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Hey Rich, I will call you...
  7. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Thanks Phil for the bump. Longtime no speak, hope all is well...
  8. Fs: Reptile Stuff

    Cave-$7 Tree Trunk (One Of A Kind) $60 Fluker Woods (All 3 Pieces) $50
  9. Fs: Mag 18 Pump & Maxi-jet 900 Mod

    Mag 18. $65 SOLD Maxi-jet 900 Mod. $35 Both work perfect...
  10. Redfoot Tortoise

    I am selling my Redfoot tortoise. He is about 8" and very healthy. Eats Everything. Had it for about 3 years now... $125
  11. Sulcata Tortoise

    Pmed you Rich...
  12. Sulcata Tortoise

    I am selling my tortoise. He/she(Don't know) is about 5" and very healthy. Had it for about 2 years now... $50
  13. Mag 18 Pump(sale/trade)

  14. Mag 18 Pump(sale/trade)

