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Recent content by Bill52

  1. mushrooms, Star polyps on live rock

    PM'd you
  2. Rock covered in easy corals - instant reef!

    I'm available anytime today or tomorrow. let me know what works for you. Call me at 8453646159.
  3. Rock covered in easy corals - instant reef!

    If still available I'll take it. PM'd you.
  4. Live Rock and corals f/s

    Any pictures?
  5. Had to Share this tank with everyone

    Super tank. Inspiring.
  6. My 72 gall bow front

    I think my New Year resolution will be to get Bowfront looking as good as yours. Damn I'm jealous.
  7. free macro

    I'd like some. Will you be around this weekend?
  8. Z&P frags

  9. Z&P frags

    Interested in 9 and 15. Can meet at Mall on Thursday. Let me know.
  10. FS: wellsophyllia

    Let me know if still available. Can't pick up until next week but will paypal you immediately if they are.
  11. Majic Jack has anyone use it?

    I've been using Magic Jack for several years as a second line with no real problem. The sound is good and the price is right.
  12. 6 pajama/spotted cardinalfish

    Interested. PM'd you.
  13. DBTC: Cabbage leather coral

    If pending doesn't work out, I'd like to have it.
  14. Free Xenia

    I'd like some. I left a PM for you.
