Selling the last equipment that I have.
Hanna Alkalinity Checker - $40
Hanna Phosphate Checker - $40
AI Nero 5 - $150
Aquatic RODI booster pump - $80
Reef octopus 2000 INT - $200
Text me at +15162600891 and pics will be provided.
Selling off my remaining reef equipments
Reef Octopus SRO 2000 in sump Protein skimmer - $200
2x 48” Orphek Blue LED lights. $300 as a pair.
AI Nero 5 power head - $150
BRS 4lb GFO media 50% remaining - $20
Hanna Alkalinity Checker + Extra reagents- $40
Hanna Phosphate Checker + extra...
I’m selling a Quart of Cultured Live Phytoplankton. I’ve been culturing the last few months and have some for sale.
Asking $10 for a Quart or trade for a frag.
Pick up in Queens.
Txt me at 516-260-0891 if interested