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Recent content by Bobyboy

  1. WTB large tank

    Greg Schmidt is selling his 500g display
  2. Fish Selling Hippo And Majestic Angel

    Does the angel pick at coral?
  3. Looking for a saltwater full set up Between 30-40 gallons

    Still looking? I have a Red Sea Reefer 170 full setup available.
  4. Tank WTB IM 50g Lagoon with overflow or similar

    With stand ideally but lmk what you have
  5. Tank WTB IM 50g Lagoon with overflow or similar

    Looking for a 50g lagoon ext/int. Would also consider a deep blue 30g rimless frag or maybe a IM 25 lagoon ext. Can trade or pay cash.
  6. Equipment Red Sea Reefer 170 setup, Radion XR30 G6 Blues Reef Octopus classic 202-s

    I bought the tank spring 2022, iirc it’s a Gen 2 version.
  7. Equipment Red Sea Reefer 170 setup, Radion XR30 G6 Blues Reef Octopus classic 202-s

    I upgraded to a bigger tank and no longer need this. $650 includes the tank/stand/sump/netted top/return pump/eheim heater. I also have a $200 aquamax HOB-1.5 Hang-On-Back Protein Skimmer modified to fit in the cabinet next to the sump - $150 Box of life reef coral tree rock that cost $200 -...
  8. wtb xr30 g5 pro

    That’s probably your best bet then seeing as G5’s are still selling for $550-$600 per used. Good luck!
  9. Looking for a cube or peninsula tank 15-20g with stand

    I have a Red Sea Reefer 170 setup available in 08554.
  10. fish tank and stand

    I have a Red Sea Reefer 170 setup available in 08554.
  11. need a fish tank and stand

    I have a Red Sea Reefer 170 setup available in 08554.
  12. Looking for a aio 40-60 gallons

    I have a Red Sea Reefer 170 setup available in 08554.
