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Recent content by cabin

  1. Suzy's TOTM

    That is a fascinating tank. I am currently very interested in setting up a 180 that has seagrasses and macroalgae. What fish did you decide on, to control undesirable algae but leave the macros alone? Do you feed the seahorses directly?
  2. CCT

    It seemed like I might have learned enough by now to tackle Sanjay's new article that just appeared in Advanced Aquarist. (Up until now, I've always skipped them because I didn't understand). So, I gave it a shot, and I'd like to focus just on the chart for Coralvue 10000k with this question. I...
  3. Special Request:: HITCHHIKERS

    I've been trying to get a picture of these guys for a long time. Finally they were on the glass in the right lighting. I think these worms are very beautiful. They are each about 3/4 inch in the picture, but of course can extend their tentacles much farther when they are feeding. Picture taken...
  4. Suggestion for Chat Room improvement

    This course is my first experience with chat rooms, and it hasn't been very positive so far. It seems semi-chaotic, with people "interrupting" each other so that it is hard to glean the important part of the chat, which is Sanjay's summary of what we should have gotten from the lecture. I can...
  5. While you are waiting

    My name is Wynne (female). I began keeping fish when I thought it would be cool to have a little pond in the flower garden during the summer, with a hardy goldfish (the kind I remembered from my childhood) in it to eat the mosquito larvae. Five years and two bulging bookshelves later (lot to...
  6. Special Request:: HITCHHIKERS

    This is some type of tunicate, I believe. It is a few inches across in the picture
