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Recent content by Cbutkos

  1. Toadstool mushrooms F/S

    I've got 5-6 toadstool babies that keep getting bigger and bigger and I would like some extra space. They're about 2" tall and about 1.5" across. $20 each obo or trade, will fresh cut them or give you a chunk of the rock they're on, or make me an offer and take the whole thing. Pickup in...
  2. WTB Co2 bottle

    I've got two five pounders, that I probably won't be using in the future... Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
  3. Toadstool mushroom babies

    Anyone else? I'll be at the meeting tomorrow. Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
  4. Toadstool mushroom babies

    Had to trim up the toadstool a few weeks ago. I rubber banded them down to a piece of rock and now I've got a bunch. I'll cut up the rock if you want them on the rock, or I'll cut them off if you want a fresh cut. $20 each obo. Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
  5. Rehoming a clownfish

    I'm looking to find a good home for a tank raised "sea and reef" brand ocellaris clown. I have a trio and two of them are starting to pick on this one. He has no damaged fins or anything but I can see he is forced into the corner of the tank most of the time and often gets chased into the...
  6. Iso: lps frags on south shore

    There are no good lfs near Patchogue in my opinion, aquahut has decent dry goods but fish/coral can be hit or miss, you be got the right idea looking on the forums, there are plenty of good reefers on here and on the LIRA threads of RC for your needs Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
  7. Tank Breakdown

    Pming about the reed keeper Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
  8. TROPICAL ISLAND (deer Park) A+++

    The only store I buy fish from, they're about an hour from me but it's worth the trip Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  9. How old are you?

    I'm 27, just started my first saltwater tank a little less than a year ago, so far all is going pretty well, taking it slow Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  10. Few Reef Items for Sale...

    I'd like the phosphate checker sending a pm Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  11. Stocking a 75 gallon reef.

    I second the orchid dottyback, one of my favs and they're pretty hardy mine survived an inch outbreak and several months or quarantine and a few tank transfers, also you could go for a pair of clowns, I've got a pair of black photon clowns which are black and white and were only like $25 each...
  12. Coral for sale

    Sending pm Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  13. New to MR and Saltwater tanks

    Thanks, my girlfriend has me building all kinds of crap out of pallet wood, i like the weathered look and I like that's its free haha
  14. New to MR and Saltwater tanks

    Needs time
  15. New to MR and Saltwater tanks

    Thanks, ever since I started researching saltwater tanks I've felt that addiction, I find myself staying up way too late just pouring over threads trying to pick through all of the information out there. And thanks for the freebies, I've got an alk, ca, mag test kit coming so i just want to...
