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Recent content by CJM1224

  1. Aquatic Life RO/DI 60gpd

    Perfect condition, filters replaced. Asking $250, O.B.O. Located in Mineola, NY can travel within reason.
  2. HO HO HO ZoAS!!!

    Anything left?
  3. Looking for a 72" reef ready tank (Long Island)

    I have a 58 oceanic, 36" Sent from my iPhone using Reefs
  4. Full Tank Progression Shots

  5. Esv salt

  6. Stocking help! 24 gallon stock aquapod!

    Neon Dottyback would be cool
  7. PARTS from 58g Oceanic

    still have the tank/stand combo plus the light, 40lbs rock and some sand.
  8. PARTS from 58g Oceanic

  9. PARTS from 58g Oceanic

  10. One Sweet Freakin' Monti!

    nice coral! pics?
  11. PARTS from 58g Oceanic

    Rock sold, but still have 40+ lbs remaining. 3.00/lb Tank and stand with live sand - $ 250 oBo Lights $ 175
  12. PARTS from 58g Oceanic

    live rock sale pending. thanks E!
  13. PARTS from 58g Oceanic

    36" Nova Extreme Pro T5 - $ 200 Tank & Stand with live rock and sand - $ 250 Sump pump $ 20 Heaters $ 15 Nautilus skimmer NO PUMP - best offer Rock $ $3.50/lb -- tonga branch, clams, base rock. email [email protected] for more info
  14. WTB 72-75G tank

    I have a 58 gal Oceanic, stand, lights, sand...pumps. If youre still looking PM me
  15. WTB Stand & Canopy for 75

    I have a 58 Oceanic with stand, lights, rock. In Mineola.
