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Recent content by Clara Godwin

  1. What is a good skimmer?

    I'm thinking about buying a new over the back skimmer because I have trouble with hair algea. I'm looking at the Aqua C Remora Pro. Does anyone have suggestions?
  2. Dead Turbo Snails

    We have three types of snails. The Turbo snails have been consistently dying for the past two months. Our water tests are fine. Please tell me what may be happening.
  3. Bubble Tip Anemone Behaviors

    Why does a BTA shrink itself? I have two anemones, one of them shrinks itself every three or four days. The other (a new clone) anemone never shrinks. I woulod think it was normal if they both did it. Since it is only the same one every time, I am thinking that something is wrong.
  4. Bubble Tip Anemone Split

    We have been happy reef hobbiist for about a year now. We have done everything by the book and nothing has surprised us - until about two weeks ago, when our anemone split into two anemones. I moved the new anemone about four days later to a spot 10 or so inches away from the original...
