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Recent content by DaisyPolyp

  1. Questions about water flow in "Too Much Light"

    FWIW, Dana's observations are consistent (~350mmol) with this study done in situ at heron island, GBR. "In situ underwater measurements of photosynthetic activity of coral zooxanthellae and other reef-dwelling dinoflagellate endosymbionts" by P.J. Ralph et. al, Department of Environmental...
  2. Information regarding denitrification

    I will list references I have come across in my search as to avoid duplication. I will keep this updated: http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm Dearest Mudder.... The Importance of Deep Sand. By Ronald L. Shimek, Ph. D. Initially Published in the March, 2001, Aquarium Fish Magazine...
  3. Need help with fragging a Blastomussa Merleti....

    ...you're second in line. I told him how to frag it and my piece hasn't arrived yet :wink:
  4. Other RDO contests?

    I think the "What in neptune's world?" monthly quiz should have a reward... some of those are really hard and it increases everyone's knowledge of our hobby.
  5. Information regarding denitrification

    For a current science class I am taking in college, I have the opportunity to write a paper on the denitrification cycle of the captive reef sandbed. Does anyone have any links or files regarding studies or hard facts in this arena? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will post the paper...
  6. Power Compact Lighting

    This is absolutely untrue. UV light is well know to be outside of the PAR (photosynthetic available radiation) range, and as brandon stated, is actually damaging in most cases.
  7. Coral X

    wow, I wanna know who is the guy that gets to say, "uhhh, let's get rid of that genus over there."
  8. moving ques

    ahhh, great lakes... got on the airplane in sunny san digo and stepped off in chicago in January... talk about a shock! I didn't know what I was in for until we were marching around the base in "chill condition 5".
  9. computer guys i need your help

    the problem is that your movies need to be encoded as MPEG layer 2 (".mpg" files). You need a good DVD "authoring software that will first convert, then burn the movies to disc.
  10. moving ques

    bootcamp is only a month these days? wow, I got screwed.
  11. Inland Reef Salt Study - Where we're going

    I would post the results on an offshore webserver... U.S. libel and slander laws have no jurisdiction on an internationaly hosted site.
  12. T5 lighting

    If you think that setup is "too" blue, I would recommend going with all 14K bulbs, or 10K + actinic. Some people go with the 10K's without any actinic supplementation so that is an option as well.
  13. Custom Sea Life Out of Biz :( Who Else Makes Good Actinics?

    I've used many different manufacturer's actinics (including coralife currently) in both NO and CF flavors... as long as they output around 420nm you're getting what you need.
  14. Getting Copper out of a tank?

    what turns blue?
