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Recent content by dakine

  1. Flame wrasses - C. jordani

    Very nice, I have a clown wrasse in my 50 and he has the best personality. I wish I could have got my hands on a flame wrasse though!
  2. Potter's Angel

    I think he will, he's been eating for a few days now and been grazing on the rocks. He's already becoming a favorite of mine (he reminds me of Hawaii when I see him.)
  3. Potter's Angel

    Thanks, this is my first attempt at tank photography. I hope to get some better pics up soon.
  4. I want brains......

    Here's my brain, this guy has really gotten huge in the last few months. I'm gonna have to move him so I can clean the glass better!
  5. Montipora Shots

    Here's part of my montipora collection. In addition to the purple and orange monti caps, I have purple, green, and orange monti digitata. Oh, and a frag of a purple tipped monti cap. [img]
  6. Potter's Angel

    Here's a pic of a Potter's Angel i picked up this weekend. I have never seen them in my LFS before, but have seen them diving in Hawaii. They are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and a few atolls in the area. They are also one of the few native pygmy angelfish in Hawaii.
  7. Blue Devil Damselfish

    The Blue Devils are a real PITA and hard to catch in a tank full of live rock. The yellow tail damsels are pretty good looking but don't seem as agressive.
  8. orange green worm thing ???

    I'd say flatworms too.
  9. Fish bioload

    I learned the hard way with the shrimp, I added a pistol shrimp awile back to a 40g with a coral banded and a few days later I noticed the pistol shrimp was "unarmed". Both his claws were gone! My assuption was the coral banded was the culprit.
  10. Help! Poor False P. Clownfish needs a host? what would be?

    What's your lighting like? There was a post a few days ago about clowns hosting in all kinds of things from zoos to colt corals. My true percs like to hang out in a torch coral.
  11. red slime algae

    It's called Red Slime Remover (close enough!) by Reef Products. Good Luck!
  12. Is this real? Colorful Squamosa

    I saw a huge clam a few years ago off an island in Thailand called Koh Tao and it was beautiful, at least 3 feet long.
  13. blue inflated growth on rock?????

    I've seen a sponge that resembles your pic, though a bit darker.
  14. Puffers/Triggers/Eels and any types of coral?

    Dan/Reefann, what are some of the smaller species of eels you'd recommend?
  15. red slime algae

    If you can't siphon up what's already there, I've used a product (Red Slime Away?, not sure but I'll post the name when I get home). That clears it right up with no ill effects to corals or fish.
