I think he will, he's been eating for a few days now and been grazing on the rocks. He's already becoming a favorite of mine (he reminds me of Hawaii when I see him.)
Here's part of my montipora collection. In addition to the purple and orange monti caps, I have purple, green, and orange monti digitata. Oh, and a frag of a purple tipped monti cap. [img]
Here's a pic of a Potter's Angel i picked up this weekend. I have never seen them in my LFS before, but have seen them diving in Hawaii. They are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and a few atolls in the area. They are also one of the few native pygmy angelfish in Hawaii.
The Blue Devils are a real PITA and hard to catch in a tank full of live rock. The yellow tail damsels are pretty good looking but don't seem as agressive.
I learned the hard way with the shrimp, I added a pistol shrimp awile back to a 40g with a coral banded and a few days later I noticed the pistol shrimp was "unarmed". Both his claws were gone!
My assuption was the coral banded was the culprit.
What's your lighting like? There was a post a few days ago about clowns hosting in all kinds of things from zoos to colt corals. My true percs like to hang out in a torch coral.
If you can't siphon up what's already there, I've used a product (Red Slime Away?, not sure but I'll post the name when I get home). That clears it right up with no ill effects to corals or fish.