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Recent content by dallast1

  1. Starting Algae & Rotifer Cultures from Scratch

    where do you live? when i was applying for jobs in sydney, both fisheries and the universities had such cultures available. i am pretty sure you would not need too much and they would be willing to give you some. also look for oyster culturing....if they have a research facility, they will...
  2. My 6 gallon eclipse

    thanks for the radio shack pointer, brandon! i actually tried something similar (but on my own) from fry's electronics...the whole wirey mess is still on the shelf! i think someone with some knowledge and experience would be worth the extra $$. and yes, i really am grateful to all who had a...
  3. My 6 gallon eclipse

    i have a csl retrofit 32 watt light fitted into the hood of my eclipse 6. does anyone know how to wire in a small computer fan to the existing wiring of the light. essentially, i want the fan to come on when the light comes on. i am not an electrician and was a little timid with the retrofit...
  4. My 6 gallon eclipse

    here's a link to both my tanks http://lvmas.org/lvaquariasociety/WayCool/Members/Pics/D_Tippie.html, which can be found on the local las vegas marine aquarium society homepage. and a little description about myself and the tanks to boot! if you live in las vegas, please join the lvmas and...
  5. When to remove biowheel?

    no real spiking per se. but again, i wasn't taking constant readings. actually, i quit testing for nitrate long ago. but to combat the hair algae plaque i had for over a year, i finally resorted to every other day changes of half a gallon with natural sea water. i think this has made all the...
  6. Arranging

    i like to envision total live rock coverage. yet to achieve this, but in theory, my personal favorite look to a reef tank. zoos, mushrooms, lps...these guys can add to this effect. but again, it all depends on what you are looking for and what kinds of corals you like to look at. that's why...
  7. nanocubers, whats your clean up crew?

    i tried all the hermits and snails you could find when i had my hair algae problem -- which lasted a year! don't know if it was the every other day 1/2 gal. water changes or the turbo snail, but i have no doubt that the turbo was voracious and scoured all the rock clean. a bit of a bulldozer in...
  8. When to remove biowheel?

    i agree with all before me here. i too, still have the biowheel going on my 6 gal. eclipse -- now going for nearly 4 years! i think i am more superstitious when i really think about it. no real reason to keep since finally all is going well in tank. just see how your animals are fairing and...
  9. My 6 gallon eclipse

    still trying to get the camera working again! :x the xenia is now climbing the side wall. i think this form of xenia makes a nice nutrient export! hey, where's a good place to zoos? good quality ones!
  10. My 6 gallon eclipse

    brandon, i shall endeavor to take some more photos of my nano. i fear the hammer coral will have to move down to 60 gal. tank! getting too big! yeah....i am seeing some noticeable scratches in the plastic from so much scrubbing....may have to get a new eclipse 6 in future.
  11. My 6 gallon eclipse

    peej, those gaps bug me too. but i need a little gap for some flow! i took the powerhead out after rose bta got caught in it, so the gap gives me just a little more flow in the tank. as far as the light goes, my eclipse is about 4 years old, so i guess an older style. but no matter really...
  12. My 6 gallon eclipse

    thanks brandon and reefann! well, i have to admit my maintainence on this liitle tank was getting lax....i was so frustrated with the hair algae! and just to keep it to a minimum, i had to pull all of the rocks out every 2-3 weeks and scrub them with a toothbrush. also got as much algae out of...
  13. My 6 gallon eclipse

    thanks for the complement. i almost gave up on this tank.... but glad i didn't! it and my 60 gal. are finally thriving. although more light in 60 gal. would be nice! if i can get some more coverage on these rocks in the nano...some zoanthids sound like an idea...or more mushrooms, i would be...
  14. My 6 gallon eclipse

    this eclipse 6 is essentially "stock" except for the lighting and filter media. After over 2 years of the wimpy 8 watt light it came with (BTW, I had extraordinary coraline growth with 8 watts), I finally switched it over to a 32 watt Custom Sea Life retrofit 50/50 setup. What a difference! This...
  15. Help me get rid of this red algea please

    let's try that upload one more time.....
