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Recent content by danager

  1. Free tank 120g

  2. F/S 29g nanocube. Tons of extras! East Quogue, ny

    Hello everyone! For sale is a 29g nanocube. Comes with live sand, 10-15lbs live rock, uv sterilizer, nano protein skimmer, 2 hydor nano circ power head, heater, 3 different types of food, 2 api test kits and a boatload of other chemicals and knick knacks. Asking $250 for all of it. I gave my...
  3. My new rescue Eddie

  4. Looking to buy rbta in long island

    Just got one at PW in copaigue this weekend for $40... said they were getting in more this week!
  5. WTB: Skimmer

    ... I guess I'd be interested in your tunze 9002 when you get a new one... keep me in mind!
  6. Wtb: Nano skimmer

    i looked at that... my concern is the collection cup sticking up and not being able to close the lid!
  7. Wtb: Nano skimmer

    Anyone have any experience with nano skimmers that fit in the rear compartments of JBJ nanocubes? I have a 12g and have not had much success... any suggestions?
  8. My New 8g cube... and where to start?!?!?

    I did my first water change after the tank being up for 9 days! Running 0's in ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, phosphates at .25, Ph 8.0. Salinity is 1.0255, kh high at 321, calcium is 500+. I was dosing with seachem reef fusion 1&2 rather early... So precipitated out and stuck the the tank...
  9. Aquahut delivery

    I think you helped me last week. I just set up a 10g nano. You sold me the seachem reef fusion 1&2.
  10. Sunkist Clownfish

  11. New setup question about worms!

    It does not look like other photos of worms I have seen. I can't get a pic of it because it's so small!!! Thanks for the advice!!!
  12. New setup question about worms!

    So today is the 4th day I've had my new tank up and running... Climbing the side of my tank was a 1cm opaque worm. He was very tiny almost a little bigger than a thread. The tank contains 1" sand bed and 11lbs of LR in my nanocube. I can not add fish yet so what do I do?
  13. My New 8g cube... and where to start?!?!?

    Morning pic!
  14. Reefs App and pictures!

    Whats with the reefs app spinning pictures when you post? I noticed this with my posts. anyone know why? -Danny
  15. My New 8g cube... and where to start?!?!?

    Got my water tested today for the first time. 1.026 salinity Nitrates are high - added microbe lift (tank is still new but i might as well be proactive), PH is low - added a teaspoon of buffer and will check in a few days, started dosing Seachem fusion 1 and 2 to provide minerals for coral...
