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Recent content by DanD10514

  1. How do tanks get delivered in Manhattan?

    I own a delivery company based in Manhattan. If you need help with this please reach out and I can discuss the details with you. Thank you.
  2. Coral Tiger torch

    Where are you located? I'll take it
  3. WTB/trade for Chaeto

    I work in the city and live in Chappaqua if you want some and don't mind traveling just let me know
  4. Looking for stylos

    if you're willing to come to the city I will give you frags of purple and birds of paradise. I have tons of it and looking to help people out if I can. just hit me up and I'll send pics
  5. Scam Alert

    100% scam. I texted the number and these are the screenshots of the text exchange. As you can see he tried to call me from a block number, I knew it was him, and I answered. He speaks with a thick accent and I could not understand him so he eventually hangs up and texts me to tell me that...
  6. For Sale Sunset Monti colonie

    oh bummer, thanks anyway
  7. For Sale Sunset Monti colonie

    you wouldn't be interested in coming to the city would you?
  8. Fully loaded 40 gallon with fish and corals. $200!!!!!

    I'm still here waiting for the wrasse
  9. WTB

    I'm look for a small breeder box, please dm me if you have one
  10. D

    looking for a breeder box in the Westchester area

    looking for a breeder box in the Westchester area
  11. .

    Ah ok, got it. thanks, yeah that's a bit big for my tank
  12. .

    are the others for sale and if so what are you asking? I was just over at Manhattan Aquarium and they have some that look like yours.
  13. WTB yellow tang

    Salgados in Westchester had a xanthic yellow tang for $120, eventually dropped the price to $100 and it sold right away. If you ask me they look exactly like regular yellow tangs
  14. .

    what about the smaller ones
