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Recent content by Dbrel

  1. Zoa and paly ID

    This is the zoa and one of the Palys in bottom left corner
  2. Zoa and paly ID

    Just picked up this mixed colony can't find anything on the Internet to I'd , can anyone help please. Thanks
  3. Zoa / paly id

    I think it's a match, good eye thank you
  4. Zoa / paly id

    I see what your saying now but stem is usually clear. Anyone else for aiptasia
  5. Zoa / paly id

    Can you see pic it's not aiptasia unless there crazy looking forms that of it that I'm not familiar with
  6. Zoa / paly id

    Came on colony from Lfs. It's base is black with silver sparkles and has grayish white tentacles thanx for any input
  7. Yellow tube anemone

    Thanks for input I'm going to pick it up Tom
  8. Yellow tube anemone

    Thanks for input it's hard to resist for $35
  9. Yellow tube anemone

    Heard something bout certain colors need cold waters 69 -74
  10. Yellow tube anemone

    Here it is
  11. Yellow tube anemone

    I have to say medium sized bout 8" tentacle 6" wide . To they do well in reef tanks or are one those things that look nice for couple months and die
  12. Yellow tube anemone

    My Lfs has a beautiful fluorescent yellow tube. I thinking about adding it to my main display ( 150 gallons) It's look awesome and priced right. How do these anemone's do in reef tanks. Thanks for your input.
  13. D

    Yellow orange blue purple white . It's towards the darker side in pic ill get u another clearer...

    Yellow orange blue purple white . It's towards the darker side in pic ill get u another clearer pic Tom
  14. D

    Located in fresh meadows bayside area let me know if your looking for something in particular...

    Located in fresh meadows bayside area let me know if your looking for something in particular and I could send you pics and info thank you
  15. Rare Paly's frags for sale

    Im my opinion Names are all more or less BS. Somebody could call them this and somebody else could call them that. If somebody is interested in coral colors, shape, size they will buy it but I hear what your saying
