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Recent content by dcook

  1. JBanks' 180 Custom Rimless SPS Reef

    Any updates
  2. Ming's Deep 144G 42Lx36Wx22H

    Hello is this thing on Updates plee?eeeeze
  3. MR iPhone/iPod App Now Available!

    Android app yet????
  4. Pnoy's lil Cube ...

    Updates i need my reef CrAcK MoRe
  5. PacificSun LED Lighting Pics & Feedback

    Very impressive Tagging Where can i find przemek's build?????
  6. led"s

    Anyone using these fixtures? 1) Panorama led fixture 2) Panorama Module 3) powerbrite by current usa I know there only 1w i'v been using 2 currents PowerBrite 460nm Actinic 1w lighting system 10hrs per day. supplememtal my 250w HQI 14k 6hrs per day with great success. i know 3w is better. i...
  7. pdnyc69's 150 with aqua illumination led 72" fixture

  8. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    thanks pecan2phat Q. Any updates/opinions/recomemdations on the Ecoxotic Panorama LED strips? I'm thinking about changing to them? for my 65gal cube 25-25-24. My 250w HQI 14k w/ 460nm powerbrite creates to much heat..... My LFS says they are perfect for my reef????
  9. glasscages shallow reef

    Any updates pictures ?????
  10. glasscages shallow reef

    Any Updates Pictures?
  11. 100g Square build.

    Any updates Pictures
