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Recent content by delv

  1. Tank Thread polywise's growout tank

    Yeah man, nice frags!
  2. Equipment f/s prices updated

    Messaged you...
  3. Are these reptile or aqarium tanks?

    Fill them and see if they still do, I can't think of a better way to tell.
  4. Frag swap Sept 28

    That was really fun. Thanks again for setting it all up LIRA!
  5. Wtb: blue slimmer/ stag

    I have the slimer and a bunch of others too.
  6. lid clips for rimless aquarium 3/4 tanks?

    This would work. https://www.ebay.com/itm/126653739676?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=phy515vmsqg&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=Q8xmAB19The&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. Coral Camaro Shows Cut To Order SPS

  8. 2 acropora packs 160$ each 11 frags each

    Marc has excellent frags! Thanks again.
  9. WTB basic diversity/ micro brittle stars

    I'd be happy to give you some asterina and micro brittle stars for free. Or we could trade. I am on the North Shore of LI.
  10. Strawberry Shortcake Acro

    I can make you a frag. Original frag from Tusi, it's a really nice version. I have lots of acros for trade or sale. Drew
  11. WTB pulsing Xenia

    Go to Advanced Marine, Andrew sells it for like $15 I think.
  12. ~~~My 90 Cube tank built~~~

  13. Mixed coral lps, sps, soft

