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Recent content by doc_slick

  1. just bought some base rock

    Yes usually ammonia is the result of organism die off, but you have to remember that ammonia is produces by chemical reaction l. All you need for this reaction is free hydrogen and nitrogen. Since H2O is covalently bonded, it is realitively easy to strip the elements apart. And most rock...
  2. just bought some base rock

    Yes usually ammonia is the result of organism die off, but you have to remember that ammonia is produces by chemical reaction l. All you need for this reaction is free hydrogen and nitrogen. Since H2O is covalently bonded, it is realitively easy to strip the elements apart. And most rock...
  3. Fish dying... Need help

    Did you quarantine or acclimate your fish before placing them in your main tank. I believe I'm thinking along the lines of Coralshrimp.
  4. Removing sand bed / going barebottom??

    There are several school of thought on this. I know of several people that are very successful with bare bottomed tanks. IMHO, I would not get rid of the sand. I have had several bouts with this as well. My tests revealed nominal results. I simply used a gravel vacuum and sucked up the cyano...
  5. just bought some base rock

    This may help you some. I found it earlier today and it has information you might find helpful.http://saltaquarium.about.com/library/weekly/aa111901g.htm
  6. Temperature Control

    I keep my show tanks at about 78 degrees. I keep my coralline grow out tanks at 81 degrees as it seems to work better for that. Use your judgement though.
  7. Temperature Control

    I keep my show tanks at about 78 degrees. I keep my coralline grow out tanks at 81 degrees as it seems to work better for that. Use your judgement though.
  8. Temperature Control

    I'm just curious where you are taknig your temperature measurements at. In my professional life I have seen thermometers that are hig up in the tank itself and the lights actually heat the glass of the thermometer higher than the actual water temperature and give off false readings because of...
  9. Temperature Control

    I'm just curious where you are taknig your temperature measurements at. In my professional life I have seen thermometers that are hig up in the tank itself and the lights actually heat the glass of the thermometer higher than the actual water temperature and give off false readings because of...
  10. 75 gallon reef tank - drilling holes in glass tank

    I agree with Rover. The use of powerheads seems a better choice as you can adjust a powerhead so that the current goes where you want it to go and that might not be possible the other way. Also remember as a general rule in this hobby that simplest solution is probably the best.
  11. Epoxy Paint HELP

    I have been building combination tanks for years for commercial and residential use. So here is some advice. Combination tanks make up about 75% of all wall installation tanks over 200 gallons in use today. They are not the easiest to build, but they aren't really hard either. As far as the...
  12. just bought some base rock

    Sounds like this might be viable. If this is real lava rock, make sure that there are no heavy metals in trace amounts in the rock. I know of several commercial aquariums that use volcanic rock as base rock. Some do very well while others have the devil with silicates, and phosporous, and others...
  13. making base rock

    This has been suggested by several of my collegues. I believe that this would the ideal way to age this type of rock, however. I would not use a bleach solution afterward and would soak the rock overnight in some freshwater and test the ph of the water again just to be safe. To kill any...
  14. making base rock

    This has been suggested by several of my collegues. I believe that this would the ideal way to age this type of rock, however. I would not use a bleach solution afterward and would soak the rock overnight in some freshwater and test the ph of the water again just to be safe. To kill any...
  15. making base rock

    Don't rush the aragocrete curing process. I make this rock professionally. I will not sell it unless it has cured 14 weeks in freshwater changed every day. There are ways to cure this faster, but even GARF's artist Eddie Postma cures his rocks for 12 weeks before he sells it. If you place this...
