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Recent content by dubcity03

  1. 3 ft wide Setup

    If you give me your # I can text you pics
  2. 3 ft wide Setup

    Rsm250 Take the full set up for 300
  3. Breaking down tank

    Free ?
  4. red sea max 250

  5. red sea max 250

  6. red sea max 250

    Bump will trade tank and stand for another tank and stand looking for a 50 gallon and up Cube
  7. Tank Tear down - everything must go!

    Pics of mp10 ?
  8. red sea max 250

    Bump $350
  9. red sea max 250

    Bump $375
  10. red sea max 250

    I will get a few pictures for you the only thing it needs is a new skimmer pump right now I am running no skimmer And will need new bulbs in about 2 months
  11. red sea max 250

    Bump $400
  12. red sea max 250

    I am selling my red sea max 250 It will come with live rock live sand and corals and 2 White clowns $450 pick up in wallkill new york 12589
  13. Red Sea Max 250 for sale

    Would you trade your hood with led's for my Stock hood and Some $$$ on my end ? Let me know if you would be intereted thanks
  14. Red Sea Max 250 65 gallons (Old Version) For Sale + GSP Rock

    Do you have a rock covered with GSP And other corals attached if so do you have a pic and how much thanks
  15. Micromussa FS

    Bump for a nice piece
