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Recent content by Dubge

  1. blue linkia starfish deflating

    Linkias do not eat clams, I watch as my blue one climbs all over my clams from time to time and has never caused a problem in over a year. I usually have between 12-20 clams in my tank at any given time
  2. cheap alternative to moonlight lamps?

    I am using those cold cathod lights you put into computer cases http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 57562&rd=1 only 5 bucks and I think you can get them at CompUSA for 10 or so
  3. New tank week 10

    Thanks to give you an idea of the size of that clam, look at the one just below it, that one is a 5-6 inch maxima :)
  4. New tank week 10

    Didnt lose any of my clams in the move but I did get rid of a few, I am down to 12-13 now
  5. New tank week 10

    Oh sorry this was a transfer from a 75 My system is 100% NSW and when I did the swap I lost about 6 or 7 acro colonies, a bunch I had picked up at MACNA :(
  6. New tank week 10

    Just wanted to throw up a pic of my new tank at 10 weeks
  7. Water Stats & Pics of Problem

    From what I have been told bring is loaded with phos
  8. enough light for SPS?

    Buy a small AC for your room
  9. Water Stats & Pics of Problem

    Pull out as much as you can by hand.Becarful not to let any blow around the tank when you do or it will spread. Are you using tap or RO/DI water? Have you tested for Phosphate? Do you have a fuge on the system? A fuge would help remove some of the nutriants that is feeding the hair algea. I am...
  10. big tank

    Oh and Gary I know I have read before that you are braking down your tank and I am sorry to hear that! Not sure if I said that before
  11. big tank

    I would go with glass just for cleaning reasons, I also have 2 kids (6 and 2) and you can bet that there are little hand prints all over it and chunks of food from the 2 year olds grubby little paws :) I tell you it is much easier to clean it off the glass tank then my widescreen TV (plexi front)
  12. Acropora & friends

    Make sure you are running carbon because I think hard and soft corals will release chemicals have a chemical war in you water and the carbon should take care of it Someone correct me if I am wrong
  13. enough light for SPS?

    I know several people wjo have kept SPS under just VHOs 440 or more watts and eventually upgraded to MHs in the end. Is it possible? Yes but they wont do as good as under MHs I also know people who have kept derasa clams under VHO it had only grown 3/4 of an inch in 2 years. Now in my tank it...
  14. Clam under VHO?

    I just bought a derasa from someone who had kept it under VHO for 2 years
  15. Tank move, what to expect

    I had to move EVERYTHING from one tank to the other aand so far so good. Some of my corals browned a little but are comming back, maybe from being in the buckets for so long and having a bit of a temp swing. I did lose 1 frag to RTN and all the fish are fine and dandy
