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Recent content by ed4

  1. ORA purple Stylo colonies for sale (Northern NJ)

    Are you selling pieces of that Monti Setosa?
  2. Some high quality, perfect condition equipment (skimmer, chiller, etc)

    Bump for an exceptional seller and a person of fair hygiene.
  3. Aqua Logic Cyclone Chiller 1/3 HP CY-4 with Temperature Controller

    Bump for the rise in water temps and lower O2 levels :)
  4. Elos 120XL Tank For Sale

    There are lots of good people here, looking for a straight up deal. I know lots of good people here. Good luck ocholoco, hope your tank sells quick! I had quite a few bum experiences as a seller - I could go for days about the funny and annoying experiences over the years. Despite that...
  5. Elos 120XL Tank For Sale

    I also wanted to take a moment to mention that I recommend not dealing with Bill (AKA 10secv6). https://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/itrader.php?u=69815 I spent lots of time to talk to him, to help him and I really accommodated this questions with great patience. We agreed to have the...
  6. Elos 120XL Tank For Sale

    My pleasure Dustin. I'm happy to hear that are really enjoying the Elos tank :)
  7. Elos 120XL Tank For Sale

    Thanks for the props Gennaro and Macropora :) For now, until I have the time to start up another reef tank! The tank is was sold back in April - thanks for the interest.
