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Recent content by emtbmike

  1. Somewhat a disappointing REEF A PALOOZA 2022

    Save your money and buy the overpriced corals and fish here.
  2. Have coral colonies gotten smaller in size in display tanks since the 1990's and 2000's

    The problem is the majority of people that have a frag tank think they are a pet store. They try to charge the same price as the stores for the same size or smaller coral. This hobby became a business for too many people. What is worse is when they sell the same coral for a while. Then when it...
  3. tanks for sale

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  4. WTB - RBTA's and Soft Corals in or around Westchester and the Bronx.

    Reach out to Steve Greek. He has Rbtas. https://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/sale-trade/289571-rainbow-bta-sale-1.html#post-2400464
  5. Question Looking for Rotifer and Phyto in Brooklyn/Bronx

    I raise phytoplankton (tetraselmis). I will have some available next Wednesday.

    I am looking to buy pods. Does anyone have some for sale?
  7. free cheato

    Do you deliver? :p
  8. The Waaaaaaaah Thread

    The seller sold their product for their asking price to someone else. WAH
  9. Where has the hobby gone.

    Nyaquatics is Yonkers
  10. Very Amused

    You get both extremes. But what bothers me the most is when a seller attempts to sell a coral as abc. But when know one buys the coral they make up a new name for the coral.
  11. Amazeballs Goni

    I believe I saw one on reef2reefs. It might have been part of a package deal.
  12. FREE

    Can you deliver it? :p
  13. 4.4 GALLON JUGS!!

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