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Recent content by fede50c

  1. Free nuvo 40

    It’s gone thanks
  2. Free nuvo 40

    Free nuvo 40 with Stand I’m in the lower east 9732201472
  3. Nuvo 40 and skimmer for sale

    I’m selling my nuvo 40 and skimmer $400 I’m not here often so if you are interested shoot me a text 9732201472
  4. RBTA, Tracy Morgan Gorg for sale

    Let me know if you come to the city or close by at any point.
  5. For Sale Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemone (RBTA)

    I’m in the lower east and can pick it up Monday. Here is my number text me 9732201472
  6. Looking for a Midas Blenny

    hi everyone. I’m looking for a Midas blenny in the Manhattan area. Let me know if anyone has one that wants to sale. Thanks
  7. Tank for sale

    Where r u located ? I’ll Like to take the Midas
  8. Coral Myshrooms for sale 25$ each

    Where r u located ?
  9. Coral Easy coral

  10. Fish Misbar clown pair

    Ill take the Clowns
  11. Fish for sale

    Hi. Ill take the angelfish. I can pick it up today
  12. FS: Multibar Angel fish & Lightning/Gold Nugget clown

    How big is the multi bar and does it pick at corals ?
  13. WTB im NUVO 10

    I have a nuvo 20 if you r interested. I can also bring it to the city.
  14. Corals for Sale

    I'll like the berd nest colony and one mini colony pack ps
