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Recent content by finnipper

  1. Help! My Clownfish is Sick

    :( My clown is sick! Help! I noticed a cauliflower like growth on the underside of my clownfishes "chin". It is a dull white/gray. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, he eats like a little piggy, swims normally, snuggles in the anemone. I quarantined him and started treatment with Furacyn...
  2. fish breathing heavily

    Hi everyone! I just disconnected my airstone and tested ph 8.2! Now, 1. If I get a ph will my ph continue to rise until infinity? 2. Fishies are still breathing a little heavy, but not as bad as before. They are not going to the top trying to gulp air, just labored breathing. Temp is 78.2...
  3. fish breathing heavily

    Boobie & knowes thanks so much for the replys. In about another hour I will test my ph. Things were going so smoothly until now :( (no nuisance algae/red slime and only a few diatoms)I'l get a ph over the weekend. How big do you suggest? Things were so stable until now even though ph is a...
  4. fish breathing heavily

    sorry I forgot I umplugged lites 2 days ago due to high temps but anemone still seems fine, bubbling, expanding etc.
  5. fish breathing heavily

    thanks for the tips. have dual satelite pc with dual actinic and moon lite. I do 20% water changes every other week and once a month clean filter by rinsing with old aquarium water. stopped using sealab 28 when calcium got high but can't get alk or ph up. do I need to? won't airstone affect ph...
  6. fish breathing heavily

    Sorry, I forgot to include a bubble anemone, feather duster and assorted crabs & snails which seem fine
  7. fish breathing heavily

    I am very new to saltwater(3months) 29gal fowlr, fluval 204. ammonia=0 nitrites=0 nitrates=20 calcium=500 alk 7dkh ph 7.8. this have been stable for about 2 ms. I have 2 chromis, 2 ocellaris, 1 firefish, 1 purple pseudochromis, and 1 hawkfish(which is being given away in a couple of days)...
  8. Water Changes and Nitrates

    I am very new to saltwater(3months) 29gal fowlr, fluval 204. ammonia=0 nitrites=0 nitrates=20 calcium=500 alk 7dkh ph 7.8. this have been stable for about 2 ms. I have 2 chromis, 2 ocellaris, 1 firefish, 1 purple pseudochromis, and 1 hawkfish(which is being given away in a couple of days)...
  9. Help!

    Thanks for getting back to me. Can't wait for another class! :P
  10. Help!

    everything is working fine. This is great.Sometimes I'm frustrated, but I wouldn't have missed this for the world. Keep up the good work. One question though, When I extract the mirc files I get a popup that says I have 24 days left. I have not registered, I just click continue. Is that the problem?
  11. Help!

    When I try and open the maco.doc document on lighting, it locks up my computer, internet explorer and I get a message that I have been disconnected by a foreign host. What does this mean to a computer illiterate?
  12. While you are waiting

    Hi Everyone! My name is Sue and I live in a little log cabin in the woods of the frozen tundra of Northern Wisconsin. I have been in love with animals all my live, but the animals of the seas and reefs have held a special affinity for me. I started working for Drs Foster-Smith a pet supplier...
