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Recent content by Flashy2003

  1. Please remove

    Still available.
  2. Please remove

    47.25" x 23.5" x 20". 53"H with stand
  3. Please remove

  4. Live sand

    I have Aragamax Select. Its is dry sand though not live. Its the same size as the fiji pink without the pink flakes. The pink flake eventually sinks in the sand and disappears anyway. I Personally start my tanks with dry sand and just seed it with live rock or a cup of someone else's sand. Its...
  5. F/S DSA 155g pro

  6. F/S DSA 155g pro

  7. F/S DSA 155g pro

  8. F/S DSA 155g pro

    Sold---155g Deep Sea Aquatics Pro Tank 72"x24"x21", Stand, Canopy , glass tops , sump, refugium and return pump. All in excellent condition. Located in Connecticut 06472. $1300. I do have the doors. They were just off for easier access. They are also in excellent shape. Sold
  9. Forsale Apex EB8

  10. DSA 155/200 Canopy- CT

    I have a New Deep Sea Aquatics Black Canopy for 155/200 tank. Im not going to use it so I must go. Make me an offer. $300 Located in 06472
  11. F/S 125 Gals Starphire RR

    Is this typical 125 dimensions? 72?18?
  12. Ocean Revive Artic t247 - 140$

    t247 Still Available?
  13. Flashy2003

    How is the condition of the tank? Any scratches, blemishes or any other issues?

    How is the condition of the tank? Any scratches, blemishes or any other issues?
  14. F/S Reef Dynamics INS250 Skimmer & BPR250

    If your willing to ship and have paypal Ill take the Bio pellet reactor. Thaks
  15. 20G Sump and Custom King Filter Sock Holder

    sock holder You willing to ship that sock holder?
