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Recent content by Flyingtouchdown

  1. Should I put coral in this tank

    Thank I might try fraging somthing from my other tank and putting it in their and see what happens
  2. Should I put coral in this tank

    He’s defiantly the biggest fish in the tank and I’ve been thinking about getting him out for a while when I bought him he was much smaller. The guys at my local fish store said it would be fine but I’m starting to question that.
  3. Should I put coral in this tank

    So I’ve had this tank for a while (around 2 years) and have never put coral in it. Right now I obiously have some fish in their that aren’t reef safe such as my blue line trigger. I’m considering giving them away or selling them. Anyways, the point of this post was to ask for ideas on what reef...
  4. Budget reef

    I’ve had the tank for a while but I put coral in it for the first time
  5. Budget reef

    just thought I’d post a pic of this budget reef tank I started around a month ago. (Also I know the rock work isn’t typical for a reef tank I just felt like somthing new)
  6. Werid Xenia

    Yes all my other corals r doing really well and after I made this post I went out and bought a real Xenia frag and they are doing super well. They spread out very fast over like a week to almost cover a full rock and they pulse everyday
  7. Coral identification?

    Thanks so much I definitely will
  8. Werid Xenia

    The place that sold it to me told me it was Xenia Ahahaha so werid
  9. Werid Xenia

    I just bought this Xenia frag a day or two ago and I noticed that most of the picture on the internet show them as much more feathery. I also haven’t seen them pulse yet. Is this abnormal?
  10. Coral identification?

    I just looked on the internet and it says I have to feed them any recommendations on what food I should buy?
  11. Coral identification?

  12. Coral identification?

    Just curious if anyone could Identify this coral for me I bought it at a fish store where they don’t speak English and I have no clue what it is. I bought the frag a few days ago for 20 bucks.
