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Recent content by GammaRay

  1. Gaming Laptops

    Hey tunicata, I recently went through exhaustive reasearch when searching for a gaming laptop under $1000 for my son. Plus, I do a lot of coding, website speed audits, and graphic design for web incliding web video. My son plays all the top "hardware taxing" games with 3D render engines, HD...
  2. Found this fish

    Man thats awesome, what breed is that btw ?
  3. Crazy question

    I have automatic draining system installed in my tank. Obviously fishes are to be shifted to other tank when it is maintenance time..
  4. thinking of changing my lighting on my 180

    have you tried philips hue lights ?
  5. Cheap 250 w de mh bulb question?

    if you were not asking for cheap bulbs, i would suggest you to try Phillips Hue Light Setup for home.
  6. waiter....i think there is a fireworm in my soup

    does it meant to laugh :headache:
