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Recent content by garyl

  1. To buy or Not to Buy....

    Leishman on http://www.wamas.org is selling a 46 bowfront for $60 bucks. im not sure if it comes with a stand but you can ask him, he is in chevy chase. HTH
  2. To buy or Not to Buy....

    since you live in annandale ,va go over to wallys aquarium on LR turnpike, and they usualy have a 75g special for $99.00. you can build a nice stand for cheap. also you could go over to super pets they usually have ok deals on tanks. just stay away from the special "sale" tanks, even though they...
  3. Help w/ Blenny

    my LMB only eats meaty foods. he does however nip at the algae on the glass. but he wont take any flake or nori, so i feed him brine or mysis.

    heres a pic of my fav, i picked it up thinking it was going to die, but so far so good, had it for 3 weeks and it was in the LFS for 3 weeks. i put it in a low flow low light area as recommended by eric B.
  5. May/June Photo Contest--ROUND

    here is a couple Name: Gary Camera: Fuji S3100 with +5 Macro lens Title: Zoos Title: Ric closeup
