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Recent content by gerdesm

  1. Contest #1: LPS Corals

    Name (member and/or real name): gerdesm/Michael Photo Title: Big Pink Photography equipment: Nikon Coolpix 995 Location/Tank: 10 gallon nano
  2. Society/club info needed

    Washington Area Marine Aquarist Society www.wamas.org Thanks!
  3. Where can I get liquid NaOH

    You need to find someone who works in a lab :) I have given it to some people as pellets, which is how it is normally sold by chemical suppliers. It is pretty caustic, so probably needs special shipping conditions. Not sure where to get it as a common item- or in liquid form. I have also used...
  4. ATTN DC Reefers

    The Washington Area Marine Aquarium Society will be holding it's Spring Meeting this Saturday at 2:00. Our Special Guest Speaker will be Eric Borneman, giving a talk on Coral Nutrition and Feeding. See www.wamas.org for details. Michael
