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Recent content by goshel

  1. AquaC EV120 not pulling foam

    My EV120 air intake has a valve. Make sure that it is fully open/not cloged and see if that helps.
  2. Macro Alge?

    Can anyone tell me what this is? macro of some sort? It is located at near the top of the tank close to MH light and is growing like crazy. It's currently about the size of a large fist. two pics are a week apart. Thanks. -Greg[/img]
  3. what does everyone use to change water movement?

    Pardon my ignorance, but what the heck is a SQWD?
  4. Addition of schooling fish

    Thanks! that was kinda what I figured although I wanted a second opinion. -Greg
  5. Addition of schooling fish

    I wasn't able to find an answer for this in the library. When planning on adding schooling fish (for example 5 or 6 green chromis), should one add them slowly over time or as a group? I know that adding fish slowly greatly reduces the shock of the bio load, but is there a benifit to adding...
  6. livestock planning

    Greetings! I'm getting underway with my first attempt at a reef tank. 8O I've kept assorted FW tanks for a while now. The goods: 80 gal tank, w/external overflow to 30 gal sump(old tank) 85 lbs of live rock, 100lbs sand, AquaC EV120 in sump skimmer powered by Rio 2100, second rio 2100...
