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Recent content by h2o

  1. WTB: Walt Disney Tenuis acro

    Whats the 411 did anyone get it? its been a year and this acro price didnt go down one bit im wondering if its poto shop it looks to good
  2. Why is my Rose Bubble Tip turning Brown??

    Some led wash out the color the other half cant keep bta for long. u need a radion or kessil at least and good flow
  3. H2O's Elos 120XL

    december Zuska took some pics end of december fts i post a new one in day light this weekend cell pics dont focus so good
  4. H2O's Elos 120XL

    Thanks Bro i make it happen sunday
  5. H2O's Elos 120XL

    chalices Growing some new eyes
  6. H2O's Elos 120XL

    update Sps Lps Z&P
  7. Can a tank return from nutrient overload!

    Be patient wait for the cycle to finish u can add the scrubber seed it with pods and let it be 4 now with no bio pellets
  8. Ricky's 120 Stony Coral Garden

    Nice getting some good growth ..did the blue cromis start to host your colonies yet ? mines did that a while back and every colonie they were sleeping in crapped out over time
  9. Tyree Purple Monster

    i just got a 2'' frag can cut a bit and trade
  10. PW Rainbow Honey Acans

    Kev I take nice fat polyp can pick up this weekend lmk
  11. Swap goodies Cheap

    yes Pic update coming when I get home later today
  12. Swap goodies Cheap

    Update Utter chaos , rastas ,vivid rainbows, space monsters sold out Still have some Orange Bam bams ,tubs blue, some I don't remember names price drop those $20 nice fat frags over 10 polyp on those .
  13. Swap goodies Cheap

    Yes Orange Bam Bam
  14. Cherry Corals @ MR Fall Frag Swap 2013

    Looking good guys see u soon
  15. Swap goodies Cheap

    Update all utter chaos rastas and rainbows sold out
