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Recent content by Hammerhead

  1. Fish and Coral

    Just picked up some frags. Great guy experienced and knowledgeable. Highly recommended.
  2. Fish and Coral

    Hi, if still available interested in a frag of Slimeball, Slimmer and Galaxea
  3. Cornbread rainbow infusion zoa

    Zoas Pm'd
  4. 15 gallon high

    Seem to be hard to come by but if anyone has one and looking to move it, let me know
  5. Pumps skimmer tank stand sump for sale

    What are the dimensions of the sump??
  6. Purple rock 32.2 pounds

    Rock Pm'd
  7. Wtb 15 gallon high tank

    tank bump
  8. Wtb 15 gallon high tank

    Tank Bump
  9. Wtb 15 gallon high tank

    Tank Bump
  10. Wtb 15 gallon high tank

    Thanks, will check it out.
  11. Wtb 15 gallon high tank

    Looking for 15 gallon high tank 20 x 11 x 19. Just a tank not a full setup. Need it for a sump
  12. BRS 4 Stage RO/DI

    Rodi Pm'd
