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Recent content by henrye718

  1. Can my floors support a 240 Gal?

    It will hold it, put it on a outside load bearing wall (a wall wear the other side is outside in the street). Make sure you do not place it somewhere where there is a window in the apartment directly below it or any floor below that.
  2. The new-$39.95-Hana phosphate-photomete

    Theres is a good thread with real users out there already done testing them and giving their opinions on it over at reef central..
  3. Windows 7 and MR?

    Been in IT for longer than I care to remember. This looks like the right answer. Upgrade to the latest driver for your card.
  4. T5 24" fixture

    sold thank you all for the interest :cheers:
  5. algea on the front glass

    Thats fast algae growth, Hanna just released a $40 PO4 meter. That should be more accurate than a test kit. http://www.ecrater.com/product.php?pid=7133267 Barring that, Elos then Seachem will give you a really good idea if you have Po4 in your water. These two are the only accurare chem...
  6. T5 24" fixture

    Bad economy or is everyone that cheap :) Guess I gotta give the stuff away. $125 you come get it if not then it goes on ebay....
  7. Reef Octopus HOB skimmer $50

    Selling a reef octopus skimmer for $50 like the title says. It works well as far skimmers go. I used it for a little less than a year on a smaller tank I had. It is this model. http://www.aquacave.com/reef-octopus-bh-100ss-br-hang-on-back-protein-skimmer-1011.html# Sorry no pictures its...
  8. crazy hairy mshr

    I have one almost the size of my hand pink/light green with maroon stripes nuts looking.. Yours are a steal at that price rare to see these forsale.
  9. Acans will not expand

    +1 I would check everything again bring water to you LFS and let them double check it. Half my test kits do not work right. I have $200 worth.
  10. Main noise in tank

    Ill also add that PVC is inherently noisy since its a brittle material especially with alot of 90 degree elbows in the system. Using large diameter vinyl tubing with slight bends quiets the running water noise. If you get your system quiet enought this will be the last amount of water noise...
  11. Brand new 1000GPH pump forsale.

    Sorry only have one of this brand.. it looks to be about 6X4" its not a tiny pump it is 1000GPH after all. It has a ceramic shaft and is a mag drive it is definatly reef safe. I also have a 5 months old Quiet One 3000, its 800GPH also I could sell too. Inlet and outlet on both pumps are...
  12. 120 gallon tank and stand $500

    My cheapest coral might be $150 So maybe $6000-$8000 :p I buy most of them from these guys.. http://www.underwaterworld.us/index.php/corals/wysiwyg-lps.html Corals are not forsale, I am not giving up the hobby just need smaller tanks so I do not break the floor in my new house I am moving to.
  13. 120 gallon tank and stand $500

    its not old at all.. I bought it around 8/09 Its drilled in the back at the top left, like the a glass holes.com overflow. Bump! $400 Anyone? really dont want to take this thing with me when I move if I do not have to. Come and look it has about 40 corals in it still and fish. Do not...
  14. Main noise in tank

    Slow the main return pump down or fix the plumbing.. Without seeing your system I would guess most of the noise is from air going down the durso then coming out of the pipe in the sump with a blub blub blub noise. You want that pipe to be just barely out of the water and parallel (an elbow...
  15. My new 60 gallon Rimless Starphire Cube

    Dont know if you set yours up yet but, I put mine on the stand yesterday and started filling her up. Then I noticed it wasnt sitting right. Looking at it closer it was obvious the dryed silicone was comeing out of the seems under the tank. I contacted cadlights they said the 60 gals not theres...
