July 6th : As I have yet to receive a single offer, I'm dropping this to $100 or best offer for everything.
The canopy/stand and aquariums (75 gallon with 40 gallon sump).
There are two eheim pumps, one for the return and one for the skimmer, included.
Overflow box and plumbing included...
Only when the tank gets broken down, am I able to catch these guys. I don't think I'll ever find these guys again, let alone pair them up. These are the best photos I could take before they got bagged.
all items have been claimed, this post is closed.
I will return to NY on 2/5 all items would need to be claimed beginning on the 6th, and the weekend of 2/11. Any fish not claimed by that time will go to the last person, mrfish888, who is taking everything left that swims.