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Recent content by Iriee1

  1. FT American Bulldog puppy

    From my family to yours....thank you very much.
  2. I

    If you still have them I will take them. I can pick up tonight after 5 pm

    If you still have them I will take them. I can pick up tonight after 5 pm
  3. mushrooms

    The distance is so far....I will google jamesburg
  4. clown fish

    Atlantic city? too far
  5. mushrooms

    Still looking for some nice mushrooms to add to my tank.
  6. clown fish

    WTB a nice pair of clown fish. something nice?
  7. I

    sent a pm on the onyx clown

    sent a pm on the onyx clown
  8. wrasse

    caught and sold.....lured him over the net with a piece of shrimp.
  9. wrasse

    6 inch or better banana wrasse. I have a buyer but I need to catch him, guy is waiting patiently
  10. wrasse

    did some research...will try a 2 liter bottle trap.
  11. wrasse

    will try the food in the net first. the only thing is I may have to stand and wait....
  12. wrasse

    trying to catch a big wrasse with no success....he is too fast for the net. Any suggestions?
  13. 150 gallon breakdown

    what is the dimension of the sump?
  14. Fish for sale

    sale is pending.....have to catch him. Any ideas?
  15. Fish for sale

    Lion fish is sold.
