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Recent content by jackson6745

  1. Another Red Sea Tank Fail

    You don’t say?!
  2. Tank Thread polywise's growout tank

    Good to see you there Jim!
  3. Friday Night Dinner

    Wow I still had some hair 😂😂😂
  4. Powder blue for sale

  5. Bubble Bath Unicorn

    That one is gone but I have another chunk from my colony a little bit bigger. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
  6. Pink Caddy Frag

    Someone please buy this 🤣
  7. Trade G6 xr30 pros for blues

    Thanks, ended up getting 3 blues since I started this thread.
  8. Trade G6 xr30 pros for blues

    Not sure yet fishy. I have to see what they’re selling for and take in consideration if you’re taking all 3, and if dealing local. I’m in Jersey as well. Shot me a pm and lmk what you’re looking for and maybe an offer. Thanks.
  9. Trade G6 xr30 pros for blues

    In case anyone is looking to trade their xr-30 g6 blues from pros shoot me a message. My pros were purchased on 7/16 this summer (I will show receipt from BRS). I didn’t get them running until august. I have 3 of them. Perfect condition have boxes as well.
  10. Bubble Bath Unicorn

    WYSIWYG. It’s a little over 3” long. $100 or trade for a healthy ASD or solar flare milli frag (no booger). In Jersey or can meet at Pop corals in Brooklyn.
  11. NYOS salt

    Its mixes clean very quickly . ICP levels on the bag. I like it but it’s very expensive compared to Red Sea blue bucket. I used them interchangeably in my reefs and saw no difference either way.
  12. Question Red Sea blue bag

    I use blue bucket and have several tanks full of sps, send out monthly icp tests. Never a salt related issue. You should send out an ICP (which also checks rodi) to to rule out a chemistry issue before it's considered 'bacterial'. Torches can be a pain like that. Sorry that you're losing heads...
  13. Cost of running different size tanks?

    Dosing kalk with an ato will never give you stability. The amount of evaporation can vary greatly depending on humidity + temp levels. A stirrer or a reservoir fill with saturated kalk, either dosed precisely with a continuous doser would give you dependable dosing. In a large system with hard...
