It's black and if you look closely it appears to have three "mouth" holes in it.. I think it's too flat to be a mushroom and appears to be completed attached to the surface of the rock.
Hi everyone
I bought a frogspawn and one of the heads (top) came off one of the stalks that it grows on. I tried to place it in a rock but it seems that as soon as it reinflates itself, it ends up moving with the current and has landed once on my pulsing xenias and once on another coral. Both...
I have one - you want it??
No, just kidding - I do have one, but I'd really mean to sell it to you - take my advice, save a little longer and buy something that works!
I'm pretty sure they're shrimp - I don't know what kind...but they aren't fish. They have split tails and tiny antennas...Oh well, it was exciting while it lasted!
Thank you everyone for your help,
A newbie,
I'm sure they're fry and not corepods and they definitely do the mating "dance"...I added an open brain to the tank about a month ago and I'm guessing they laid the eggs there (because they sleep there and dance there but I didn't see the eggs).
The orange clown is the larger than the black...
I have two clowns and apparently they've mated. I now have several fry swimming on the bottom of my tank. One of the fish is an Orange False Percula and the other is a Black Percula (so I have no idea what fish I'll end up with :-)
My problem is this...all the sites I've read suggest that I...