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Recent content by Java

  1. J

    Kassey, where are you man.... I am still waiting for you here in Bali....

    Kassey, where are you man.... I am still waiting for you here in Bali....
  2. J

    bro kassey..... .answer me please if you still around...... hope you still remember your little...

    bro kassey..... .answer me please if you still around...... hope you still remember your little Indonesian's friend...
  3. Anyone here going to IMAC In Chicago ?

    Yo kasei bro, I'm for it man, Oh...no, do I need apply for a visa to get there?....
  4. 400 watt 20k MHs

    Steve, yes please...show the the pic...looking foward to get 14k also... dune
  5. Enough lighting for Acropora?

    **Two 400 W 20000K Mh is about 150 dollars (every year) while 6 110 W VHO bulbs need change every 6 months at the price of 25-30 dollars each.** for 2-400 W...the problem is not only....$150 a year but down the road...you have to see the electric bill coming to you (specially for those who's...
  6. my tank

    bar, what's dimension of the tank?... I wish I dont live in apartment,....so I can have a tank on the wall anyway that's beauty tank...look foward for more pix.. :D A's
  7. Were can I buy an impeller for an Ocean runner 3500?

    check with customaquatic...they probably have it....last time I got mine from 'em... HTH. A's
  8. Best place to mail order 250 watt Iwasakis

    so far....ebay, just typed "iwasaki"
  9. Looking for Macros for refugium

    Dude.... I know you're in forest hills, so is real close to me. shoot me a PM ...I have some Halimeda marcoloba. [ December 16, 2002, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Java ]
  10. Reef lobsters - anyone out there with 1st hand experience?

    Ed, I'm not really worry about the corals, just the small fish make me always think twice to have one, I was going to have one also but I'm afraid they gonna snatch my clown fish or other fish.....do they ever snatch your fish, Ed?.. dune.
  11. pH Probes???

    Are you going to have a Calcium reactor or just only to monitor your ph level ?....my suggestion, if you're not using that for calcium reactor, just stay with old fashion...save the money for something else, unless you're getting the complete system ie: Naptune controller. just my 0.2 Dune.
