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Recent content by jay1513

  1. Rocks for Sale $100

    $100 for everything - please email me at [email protected] I'm in Fair Lawn NJ
  2. 180 Tank w/ Cabinet & Canopy and Sump

    Sold - Pls. close
  3. 180 Tank w/ Cabinet & Canopy and Sump

    This a First-come, first-served Basis I've received and responded to a lot emails/text/pms but NO taker yet. Please email me at [email protected] for faster respond.
  4. 180 Tank w/ Cabinet & Canopy and Sump

    For Sale: $300 *AGA 180 gallon (72" L x 24" W x 24" W) clear silicone glass tank, dual corner overflows reef ready *Custom built burgundy cabinet and canopy *Custom built acrylic sump 48" L x 18" H x 17" W MUST PICK UP I'm and Fail Lawn NJ Please email [email protected] or PM Thank you!!! ~JaY
  5. Tile Floor Installer Wanted - North NJ

    Hi All; I'm looking to hire someone that can install Tiles for our basement. I'm in Fair Lawn NJ - Please let me know if you know someone. Thank you JaY IM or email at [email protected]
  6. 4 Fish for Sale

    BUMP - Lowered the Price
  7. 4 Fish for Sale

    All fish must be purchased together - All Fish are Medium 1 - Vlamingi Tang 2 - Yellow Tang 1 - Sailfin/Desjardini Tang Price: $100 Location: Fair Lawn NJ - Zip Code 07410 Please email me at [email protected]
  8. WTB Live/Dead Rocks

    Looking to buy about 25 lbs of Live/Dead rocks - I'm in Bergen County NJ
  9. ~~FS Duncan, Torch, Hammer~~

    All gone please close.
  10. ~~FS Duncan, Torch, Hammer~~

    Duncan colony (softball size) $75 Gold Torch $60 Torch with multi color tips (4 heads) $45 Purple Green Tip Torch (5 heads) $40 Neon Green with Purple Tips Frogspawn (6 heads) $50 2 Branching Hammers w/ multi heads for $25 each I'm in Fair Lawn NJ - 07410 Please PM me your # for pics...
  11. Crosshatch Trigger

    Sup 1ucky - NYAquatic has it - He used to be a vendor here a few years ago http://www.nyaquatic.com/servlet/the-1392/Crosshatch-Trigger-%28Xanthichthys-mento%29-dsh-5/Detail Crosshatch Trigger (Xanthichthys mento)-5 1/2" Pair Price: $1,499.95 This item is in stock
  12. Livestock and Drygoods forsale

    PMed you re: Mag 3 $25.00
  13. ~~~WTB - Sohal Tang~~~

    As Title say - WTB Sohal Tang - Medium or Large Only PM me if you have 1 for sale ~JaY
