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Recent content by Jaydub

  1. In side my tank..

  2. Issues with brown algae in 90 gallon reef

    I get a lot of green algae ..I used to get brown..it went away after I cleaned the gravel..
  3. Barnacle clusters

    Is it best to scrape small barnacles off your tank and will they kinda die off..? Or will they spread..? Or better yet just leave them..?
  4. Fish Disappearing

    Thats funny..I found a few of them be for..Kinda freeze dried..Stinks to loose fish..!
  5. New Member from Ct..I hope thats ok..

    Thanks Guys for the Welcome..I guess I have to post 5 times be for I can submit a Video..
  6. New Member from Ct..I hope thats ok..

    Hi My name is Jay..I live in Sandhook Ct..I come by to learn about Corals..and anything related to salt water tanks..Looks like I can find some good info here.
