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Recent content by jcohen9999

  1. Equipment MRC MR-R2 Recirculating Protein Skimmer with Iwaki Pump

    Still available and new lower price.
  2. Equipment 100 GPD Multi-stage RODI System (SOLD)

    Sorry for the delay. Yes it is available.
  3. Equipment MRC MR-R2 Recirculating Protein Skimmer with Iwaki Pump

    Out of storage and ready to go....this is a beast of a skimmer and it comes with the Iwaki pump to power it. Just add a powerhead and water.
  4. Equipment 100 GPD Multi-stage RODI System (SOLD)

    Ok...out of storage and ready to go...$80
  5. Equipment 100 GPD Multi-stage RODI System (SOLD)

    Last bump before this goes into storage
  6. Equipment MRC MR-R2 Recirculating Protein Skimmer with Iwaki Pump

    Last bump before this goes into storage.
  7. Super Reef Octopus XP-3000ext Cone Protein Skimmer

    Super Reef Octopus XP-3000ext Cone Protein Skimmer(SOLD) Super Reef Octopus XP-3000ext Cone Protein Skimmer ($300) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The XP3000 In-Sump has a full conical body for enhanced foam production* and performance provided by the Bubble Blaster 3000s pinwheel pump. *The XP full cone...
