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Recent content by jfur

  1. Pair of Clowns + Cleaner Shrimp

    All sold
  2. Live Rock For Sale - $3 / pound

    All gone. Please close.
  3. Live Rock For Sale - $3 / pound

    Bump - need gone today / latest by tomorrow night. $50 takes the 6 pieces of rock you see in the picture. Weighs approx 20-25 pounds.
  4. Live Rock For Sale - $3 / pound

    Bump - make an offer. Need gone in next couple of days.
  5. Live Rock For Sale - $3 / pound

    Tank has been running for two years. All livestock sold. System is still running. Looking to sell the live rock for $3 / pound OBO. Tank is 50 gallons for reference. Pickup in Englewood NJ
  6. Pair of Clowns + Cleaner Shrimp

    Need these gone. Throwing in a red+green mushroom + scarlet hermit crab + misc snails as freebies. Need gone tonight or tomorrow night.
  7. Pair of Clowns + Cleaner Shrimp

    Bump - come tonight for pickup and will throw in a bunch of freebies!
  8. Pair of Clowns + Cleaner Shrimp

    Have the following left: Pair of clowns: $30 Cleaner Shrimp: $25 Take both for $50 plus will throw in a small leather coral + some misc snails + hermit crabs. Pickup in Englewood NJ
  9. Pair of Clowns + Cleaner Shrimp

    Breaking down my tank. Most of the livestock has been sold. Pickup in Englewood NJ. Have the following left: Pair of percula clowns: $35 Cleaner Shrimp: $30 Showpiece large rock with 6 RBTA + small anthelia: $80 Few XL nasarath snails, misc snails, misc hermit crabs, will throw some in as...
  10. Lots of Fish + Livestock for Sale

    Nope Mp10, will post separately along with the tank, lights and other items once the livestock is gone.
  11. Lots of Fish + Livestock for Sale

    Still available: Pair of clownfish: $35 Cleaner shrimp: $35 Small green Nexus joker anemone: $40 Rainbow anemones: $20 each small rock with 4 red iron man mushrooms: $30 Medium rock with 3 green mushrooms: $20 Small leather: $15
  12. Brand new Tunze ATO 3155 Osmolator + Hydrofill 5 Gal Reservoir

    No thanks - breaking down my current tank
