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Recent content by Jimmy G

  1. Oceanic Tech Tanks

    I'm interested in getting a 120 Gallon Tech Tank to replace my current 125. I received a quote from an LFS for $1500 for the tank and stand. Anyone know what they are selling for in their area? Also, anyone who has one, I have heard that the stands that come with the Tech tanks are of...
  2. Test kits, which do you use and why?

    I used Salifert kits for years. Salifert was always the number 1 recommended kits (along with LaMotte) and both are excellent kits. That being said I switched to API kits a couple of months ago. They are much cheaper and acoording to alot of people, just as accurate as the Salifert. I use...
  3. who feeds pellet food?

    I have been feeding New Life Spectrum pellets for years. Fish love it. The only fish I have that won't touch it is a Bangaii Cardinal. My Green Mandarin even eats the few that hit the sand.
  4. Bulk Reef Supply Reactor

    Just hooked this reactor up yesterday. What an improvement over the Kent Phosphate reactor I had been using! Nicely designed and made. Very easy to install and its the dual reactor, so I can run the GFO and carbon. Maintenance will be way easier also. Anybody using any of the other reactors out...
  5. kent marine turbo calcium question

    Its used to bump up calcium levels where as Kalkwasser helps maintain Calcium and Alk. You also can dissolve it in RO water and add directly to the tank unlike Kalk which should be dripped or added to ATO.
  6. Bulk Reef Supply Reactor

    Excellent. Thank you.
  7. Bulk Reef Supply Reactor

    I just ordered the dual chamber reactor from BRS. I'm going to be running GFO and Their Lignite carbon in them. I was going to use a Maxi-Jet 1200 to feed it. Is that going to be enough flow through both reactors? Also will it fit the hose that comes with it? Lastly is their a flow adjustment...
  8. Acan Lord Lighting Question

    one more
  9. Acan Lord Lighting Question

    I figured out how to post the pics. Sorry it took so long
  10. Acan Lord Lighting Question

    Sorry, don't know how to post pics.
  11. Acan Lord Lighting Question

    After doing some more research, I have them all down in the sand. Thanks.
  12. Acan Lord Lighting Question

    I have never kept these Corals before. I picked me up 3 beautiful Australian Acan Lord Colonies! (I know, you guys are jealous, and you should be :wink: ) I have heard they are pretty hardy. My tank is a standard 6 foot 125 gallon with 3X250W MH's. I received 2 colonies today, which I have...
  13. Bulk Reef Supply

    I use the pellets in my reactor. Excellent product and one of the main factors in my getting a hair algae problem under control. If you're ordering you may want to get some of their Rox Carbon also. Good stuff.
  14. Trachyphyllia Placement

    I just purchased a Red & Green Trach. I've seen most people keep these down in the sand and have read that they prefer that. I was wanting to place it up on a rock with a small piece of epoxy on its underside to keep it in place. Anybody do this with a brain coral or see a problem with this...
  15. Salt to water measurements

    Start off with 1 cup of salt for each 2 gallons of water. Test with a hydrometer or a refractometer from there.
