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Recent content by JimmyR1rider

  1. Apex for sale

    Sold. Mods please close the thread please, thank you.
  2. Apex for sale

    Sale pending
  3. Apex for sale

    I've have a brand new apex that I've had sitting for a year plus when I was close to setting up a red sea reefer. My wife and I aren't sure when we're going to actually set up a tank but it will be at least a year from now most likely so it makes no sense to have it sitting for that total amount...
  4. Question??

    Ok good to hear. If you hadn't already I would have suggested to check the lines since it was the only change you made. Glad you got it worked out.
  5. Question??

    Did you add any extra water to account for the amount taken to fill the new length in the lines?
  6. Stand for a buddy

    Thanks Khardnal for the kind words.
  7. Tank re-sealing

    I totally understand you having a worry issue though after having a tank let go. That's never a good scenario and I'd imagine once bitten twice shy comes into play for sure.
  8. Tank re-sealing

    If the seams look good I'd leave it and trust it. You could have it resealed and have it go anyway. You could leave these seams and never have an issue. Either way good luck with it.
  9. Stand for a buddy

    Thanks Jess
  10. Stand for a buddy

    Stand for a friend that's putting up a 180. He wanted strong so that's what he got. 3/4" ply glued together with rabbets with extra oak framing all tied in together. His sump will not be in the stand but I caulked all the seams where the oak frames came to the ply so there will never be any...
  11. How's everybody been?

    Nice man. I dont get down to NY all that much with any free time but maybe I'll be able to squeeze in a visit sooner or later. Alls good man. Finally getting this cnc machine up and going soon and right now I'm in the middle of building a ridiculously over built and overly strong stand for a...
  12. How's everybody been?

    Thanks Rob. Been a good minute. Hope all is well on your end.
  13. How's everybody been?

    Kris!!! Lol that's great. I remember taking the trip in when you got the house. Hope all is great on your end.
  14. How's everybody been?

    Randy!! How have you guys been doing? Hopefully everything is good.
  15. How's everybody been?

