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Recent content by jjfriscia

  1. WTB golden dwarf eel

    Yeah anytime i see them they want $1000 and up last one i saw was absolutely fish and they were asking 1200 for it. Just too much for a fish tbh id rather just write it off till prices drop on them at this point.
  2. STATEN Island frags

    O wow i thought they closed down for some reason
  3. STATEN Island frags

    Yeah of course our only reef shop
  4. STATEN Island frags

    Anyone in Staten selling frags? LPS or softies?
  5. WTB golden dwarf eel

    I see your point but hawaii is open again. Shops are getting things in idk really. Heres a link with one in stock. https://fishandcoralstore.com/product/golden-dwarf-moray-eel/
  6. WTB golden dwarf eel

  7. WTB golden dwarf eel

    Also absolutely from my experience is pricy
  8. WTB golden dwarf eel

    I seen them online for around the 400 mark but id rather pick it up from the store because im not home during the week 1000 is outrageous.
  9. WTB golden dwarf eel

    Hey can anyone help me find a golden dwarf eel? Im in staten island. I saw one at absolutely fish were selling it for 1000$ absolutely ridiculous. Any leads for a fairly priced one or if any shops can order one for me that would be awesome. Thanks reef fam.
  10. Voss dosser Bottles w mount/ Alk and cal B-iconic FREE

    Hey all i have 2 Voss water bottles filled up about 75% of the way with Alk and Cal from B-Iconic. I also have a mount to hold the bottles for Dossing. If anyone can use this Pick up is in Staten Island no charge.
  11. To qt or not to qt?

    Honestly if you don't have a ton of fish its not worth it IMO but its definitely good practice to do so.
  12. Flatworms on torch

    OMG i just avoided this disaster constantly check for eggs on the corals they tend to eat the skin of the torch at like the neck of the skeleton. I scraped them off with an excto knife.
  13. How deep is your substrate?

    I run like an inch sand bed i feel deep sand beds can cause problems, just my 2 cents
  14. GMK

    Anyone selling any reasonable price GMK frags?
  15. Looking for Smaller Fish

    Anyone looking to get rid of any fish in the SI, NJ or MN area. Looking for some smaller fish no bigger then 2-3 inches that's been living in a system for a while so i don't have to QT it.
