Yeah anytime i see them they want $1000 and up last one i saw was absolutely fish and they were asking 1200 for it. Just too much for a fish tbh id rather just write it off till prices drop on them at this point.
I see your point but hawaii is open again. Shops are getting things in idk really. Heres a link with one in stock.
Hey can anyone help me find a golden dwarf eel? Im in staten island. I saw one at absolutely fish were selling it for 1000$ absolutely ridiculous. Any leads for a fairly priced one or if any shops can order one for me that would be awesome. Thanks reef fam.
Hey all i have 2 Voss water bottles filled up about 75% of the way with Alk and Cal from B-Iconic. I also have a mount to hold the bottles for Dossing. If anyone can use this Pick up is in Staten Island no charge.
OMG i just avoided this disaster constantly check for eggs on the corals they tend to eat the skin of the torch at like the neck of the skeleton. I scraped them off with an excto knife.
Anyone looking to get rid of any fish in the SI, NJ or MN area. Looking for some smaller fish no bigger then 2-3 inches that's been living in a system for a while so i don't have to QT it.